Details About Providing Personal Information To Third Parties

Third party recipient Purposes Types of personal information Duration of keeping and using personal information
Cake Corp. Provision of MotiPen manager service log-in & other services Email address, user identification information to sync with the weverse account. 90 days after Weverse or MotiPen manager service membership withdrawal
BIGHIT MUSIC, Inc., PLEDIS Entertainment, Inc., BElift Lab Inc., BerryCherry, FNC Entertainment, Inc., IST Entertainment, ABYSS COMPANY, MONSTER ENTERTAINMENT GROUP Co., Ltd, Dreamcatcher Company, DSP Media, YG Entertainment Inc., YUE HUA Entertainment, BLUEDOT Entertainment, Highup Entertainment, RBW Inc., GROOVL1N, PALMTREE ISLAND Co., Ltd., Jellyfish Entertainment, TOP Media, SOURCE MUSIC Co.Ltd., WUZO Entertainment, GF Entertainment, DG Entertainment, P NATION, VINE Entertainment, TR Entertainment, Woollim Entertainment, Bridge Entertainment, 8D Entertainment, MYSTIC STORY Inc., E ENTERTAINMENT, KOZ ENTERTAINMENT, MLD ENTERTAINMENT, WM ENTERTAINMENT Co., Ltd., GH ENTERTAINMENT CO.,LTD, MZ Entertainment, ADOR Co., Ltd., THE L1VE LABEL CO., LTD., BH ENTERTAINMENT, SALT Entertainment, CUBE ENTERTAINMENT, INC., Fantagio Corp., M25 Co., Ltd, Bill Entertainment, Four Go entertainment, iNKODE, ATRP, SM Entertainment Co., Ltd., LOOKMEDIA entertainment, The Present Co., C JeS Studios Co., Ltd., 3Y CORPORATION, PRISMFILTER MUSIC GROUP Co., Ltd., Showplay Entertainment Co., Ltd., ANTENNA Co.,Ltd., Vlast.Co.,Ltd., BTOBCOMPANY, SSQ Entertainment Co., Ltd., Kreation Music Rights Co., Ltd., Studio JAMM Co., Ltd. Community operation and management The label’s artist’s Community user nickname, internal identification key(W ID), and content in posts Upon termination/expiration of the outsourcing agreement, for 3 months after Weverse service termination or as stated in relevant laws.
Community event operation (To secure a reliable communication channel for checking event participants, shipping event prizes, providing warranty, handling complaints, etc.) Community member info who wins an event: Email address, name, date of birth, phone number, address, and social media accounts For 1 year after the event ends. The personal information of participants who did not win the event will be destroyed within 7 days.
BIGHIT MUSIC, Inc., PLEDIS Entertainment, Inc., BElift Lab Inc., YG Entertainment Inc., ABYSS COMPANY, TOP Media, Jellyfish Entertainment, Highup Entertainment, DG Entertainment, DSP Media, FNC Entertainment, Inc., 8D Entertainment, Woollim Entertainment Co., Ltd., PALMTREE ISLAND Co., Ltd., P NATION, MYSTIC STORY Inc., SOURCE MUSIC Co., Ltd, BLUEDOT Entertainment, E ENTERTAINMENT, ADOR Co., Ltd., CUBE ENTERTAINMENT, INC., IST Entertainment, WM ENTERTAINMENT INC., SM Entertainment Co., Ltd., LOOKMEDIA entertainment, Four Go entertainment, ANTENNA Co.,Ltd., ATRP CO., LTD, Vlast.Co.,Ltd., KOZ ENTERTAINMENT, BTOBCOMPANY, SSQ Entertainment Co., Ltd. Identity verification for Weverse membership events, operation of Weverse membership, and other analyses The label’s artist’s Weverse membership holder's info: Name, mobile phone number, gender, email address used for sign-up, and membership number entered when purchasing Weverse membership Until the expiration of Weverse Membership; the termination of Weverse Membership due to the deletion of weverse account service; or etc
YG Entertainment Inc., ABYSS COMPANY, TOP Media, Jellyfish Entertainment, Highup Entertainment, DG Entertainment, DSP Media, FNC Entertainment, Inc., 8D Entertainment, Woollim Entertainment Co., Ltd., PALMTREE ISLAND Co., Ltd., P NATION, MYSTIC STORY Inc., E ENTERTAINMENT, IST Entertainment, CUBE ENTERTAINMENT, INC., WM ENTERTAINMENT INC., LOOKMEDIA entertainment, ANTENNA Co.,Ltd., ATRP CO., LTD, Vlast.Co.,Ltd., SSQ Entertainment Co., Ltd. For producing the membership card included in a membership kit The label’s artist’s Membership kit customer information: Name, membership number Within 90 days of the completion of the membership card
ADOR Co., Ltd. Service operation and management Service member nickname, Messages nickname For 3 months after Service withdrawal or as stated in relevant laws, upon termination/expiration of the outsourcing agreement.
Kakao Entertainment Corp., InterparkTriple Corp. Membership holder verification and ticketing service User verification information (for connecting to weverse account) and membership purchase status For 90 days after the end of the purchased event (concert, showcase, fan event, etc.)
HYBE Co., Ltd., InterparkTriple Corp. For verifying membership holders at the relevant event (concerts, showcases, fan events, and etc.) and for checking validity of ticket reservations weverse account ID(email), Membership number For 90 days after the end of the purchased event (concert, showcase, fan event, etc.)
BIGHIT MUSIC, Inc. Provision of the TXT the answer site log-in and providing services Email address and user verification information (for connecting to weverse account) For 90 days after leaving the TXT the answer service
Third party recipient: Cake Corp.
  • Purposes: Provision of MotiPen manager service log-in & other services
    • Types of personal information: Email address, user identification information to sync with the weverse account.
    • Duration of keeping and using personal information: 90 days after Weverse or MotiPen manager service membership withdrawal
Third party recipient: BIGHIT MUSIC, Inc., PLEDIS Entertainment, Inc., BElift Lab Inc., BerryCherry, FNC Entertainment, Inc., IST Entertainment, ABYSS COMPANY, MONSTER ENTERTAINMENT GROUP Co., Ltd, Dreamcatcher Company, DSP Media, YG Entertainment Inc., YUE HUA Entertainment, BLUEDOT Entertainment, Highup Entertainment, RBW Inc., GROOVL1N, PALMTREE ISLAND Co., Ltd., Jellyfish Entertainment, TOP Media, SOURCE MUSIC Co.Ltd., WUZO Entertainment, GF Entertainment, DG Entertainment, P NATION, VINE Entertainment, TR Entertainment, Woollim Entertainment, Bridge Entertainment, 8D Entertainment, MYSTIC STORY Inc., E ENTERTAINMENT, KOZ ENTERTAINMENT, MLD ENTERTAINMENT, WM ENTERTAINMENT Co., Ltd., GH ENTERTAINMENT CO.,LTD, MZ Entertainment, ADOR Co., Ltd., THE L1VE LABEL CO., LTD., BH ENTERTAINMENT, SALT Entertainment, CUBE ENTERTAINMENT, INC., Fantagio Corp., M25 Co., Ltd, Bill Entertainment, Four Go entertainment, iNKODE, ATRP, SM Entertainment Co., Ltd., LOOKMEDIA entertainment, The Present Co., C JeS Studios Co., Ltd., 3Y CORPORATION, PRISMFILTER MUSIC GROUP Co., Ltd., Showplay Entertainment Co., Ltd., ANTENNA Co.,Ltd., Vlast.Co.,Ltd., BTOBCOMPANY, SSQ Entertainment Co., Ltd., Kreation Music Rights Co., Ltd., Studio JAMM Co., Ltd.
  • Purposes: Community operation and management
    • Types of personal information: The label’s artist’s Community user nickname, internal identification key(W ID), and content in posts
    • Duration of keeping and using personal information: Upon termination/expiration of the outsourcing agreement, for 3 months after Weverse service termination or as stated in relevant laws.
  • Purposes: Community event operation (To secure a reliable communication channel for checking event participants, shipping event prizes, providing warranty, handling complaints, etc.)
    • Types of personal information: Community member info who wins an event: Email address, name, date of birth, phone number, address, and social media accounts
    • Duration of keeping and using personal information: For 1 year after the event ends. The personal information of participants who did not win the event will be destroyed within 7 days.
Third party recipient: BIGHIT MUSIC, Inc., PLEDIS Entertainment, Inc., BElift Lab Inc., YG Entertainment Inc., ABYSS COMPANY, TOP Media, Jellyfish Entertainment, Highup Entertainment, DG Entertainment, DSP Media, FNC Entertainment, Inc., 8D Entertainment, Woollim Entertainment Co., Ltd., PALMTREE ISLAND Co., Ltd., P NATION, MYSTIC STORY Inc., SOURCE MUSIC Co., Ltd, BLUEDOT Entertainment, E ENTERTAINMENT, ADOR Co., Ltd., CUBE ENTERTAINMENT, INC., IST Entertainment, WM ENTERTAINMENT INC., SM Entertainment Co., Ltd., LOOKMEDIA entertainment, Four Go entertainment, ANTENNA Co.,Ltd., ATRP CO., LTD, Vlast.Co.,Ltd., KOZ ENTERTAINMENT, BTOBCOMPANY, SSQ Entertainment Co., Ltd.
  • Purposes: Identity verification for Weverse membership events, operation of Weverse membership, and other analyses
    • Types of personal information: The label’s artist’s Weverse membership holder's info: Name, mobile phone number, gender, email address used for sign-up, and membership number entered when purchasing Weverse membership
    • Duration of keeping and using personal information: Until the expiration of Weverse Membership; the termination of Weverse Membership due to the deletion of weverse account service; or etc
Third party recipient: YG Entertainment Inc., ABYSS COMPANY, TOP Media, Jellyfish Entertainment, Highup Entertainment, DG Entertainment, DSP Media, FNC Entertainment, Inc., 8D Entertainment, Woollim Entertainment Co., Ltd., PALMTREE ISLAND Co., Ltd., P NATION, MYSTIC STORY Inc., E ENTERTAINMENT, IST Entertainment, CUBE ENTERTAINMENT, INC., WM ENTERTAINMENT INC., LOOKMEDIA entertainment, ANTENNA Co.,Ltd., ATRP CO., LTD, Vlast.Co.,Ltd., SSQ Entertainment Co., Ltd.
  • Purposes: For producing the membership card included in a membership kit
    • Types of personal information: The label’s artist’s Membership kit customer information: Name, membership number
    • Duration of keeping and using personal information: Within 90 days of the completion of the membership card
    YG Entertainment Inc., ABYSS COMPANY, TOP Media, Jellyfish Entertainment, Highup Entertainment, DG Entertainment, DSP Media, FNC Entertainment, Inc., 8D Entertainment, Woollim Entertainment Co., Ltd., PALMTREE ISLAND Co., Ltd., P NATION, MYSTIC STORY Inc., E ENTERTAINMENT, IST Entertainment, CUBE ENTERTAINMENT, INC., WM ENTERTAINMENT INC., LOOKMEDIA entertainment
Third party recipient: ADOR Co., Ltd.
  • Purposes: Service operation and management
    • Types of personal information: Service member nickname, Messages nickname
    • Duration of keeping and using personal information: For 3 months after Service withdrawal or as stated in relevant laws, upon termination/expiration of the outsourcing agreement.
Third party recipient: Kakao Entertainment Corp., InterparkTriple Corp.
  • Purposes: Membership holder verification and ticketing service
    • Types of personal information: User verification information (for connecting to weverse account) and membership purchase status
    • Duration of keeping and using personal information: For 90 days after the end of the purchased event (concert, showcase, fan event, etc.)
Third party recipient: HYBE Co., Ltd., InterparkTriple Corp.
  • Purposes: For verifying membership holders at the relevant event (concerts, showcases, fan events, and etc.) and for checking validity of ticket reservations
    • Types of personal information: weverse account ID(email), Membership number
    • Duration of keeping and using personal information: For 90 days after the end of the purchased event (concert, showcase, fan event, etc.)
Third party recipient: BIGHIT MUSIC, Inc.
  • Purposes: Provision of the TXT the answer site log-in and providing services
    • Types of personal information: Email address and user verification information (for connecting to weverse account)
    • Duration of keeping and using personal information: For 90 days after leaving the TXT the answer service

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