Details about providing personal information to third parties
1) Provision of personal information to South Korean business entities

Personal information is provided to HYBE Co., Ltd.
Purpose Provision of HYBE INSIGHT log-in & other services
Types of personal information Email address, user identification information to sync with the Weverse account.
Duration of keeping and usage personal information 90 days after Weverse or HYBE INSIGHT membership withdrawal

Personal information is provided to Cake Corp.
Purpose Provision of MotiPen manager service log-in & other services
Types of personal information Email address, user identification information to sync with the Weverse account.
Duration of keeping and usage personal information 90 days after Weverse or MotiPen manager service membership withdrawal

2) Provision of personal information to business entities outside South Korea

Personal information is provided to(Email address of personal information recipient) Kiswe Mobile, Inc(
Country to where personal information is provided USA
Date, time and method of transfer Personal information is encrypted and transmitted through network upon live streaming viewing page login
Purpose For user verification and to provide content service
Types of personal information Weverse Shop email address, user verification information, and purchase history
Duration of keeping and usage personal information 90 days after the end of the events (concerts, showcases, fan events, etc)